Friday, March 30

Be More Intentional...

I often receive emails or facebook messages from asking me to pray for them. The majority of the time I do stop and pray for them and their specific needs and then other times I forget because I I need to move on to what I was doing next. This is not how I should be. I am made to pray and stand in prayer agreement with all those who ask me to pray.

A friend sent me an email with a list of prayers and felt overwhelmed to go through them and pray for each one specifically. I must to do this for her because I love her and stand with her as she is going through a rough reason in her life.

" For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthrew 18:20

Saturday, March 24

Isaac Pregnancy Fast Forward to His Birth

The last time I posted was the image of Isaac's ultrasound which is sideway and I couldn't figure out how to flip it around. I'm sorry if it was a pain in your neck. So fast forward 9 months later I get to post about his birth. :-)
Read on if you have the courage to.
After the birth of our daughter the thought of more children was far from my mind. It was a traumatic hospital birth that involved many unnecessary interventions and loss of control. I was offered an induction at 39 weeks because the doctor said it would be a good day to have a baby. The nurses reminded me every centimeter of my dilation that that I could just ask for an epidural while my birth plans plainly stated I wanted to labor naturally. I had to demand them to let me get out of the bed to use the bathroom like a healthy human being. I suppose the induction decision tossed the written plans out of the window. After eleven and half hours of induced labor I managed to deliver a healthy baby girl without a drop of epidural thanks to the help of my husband Danner who prayed loudly in my ear at every peak of contractions. It was a growing experience though and I am stronger because of it.
Fast forward three years. After lots of prayer and support we decided to try for another baby. We became pregnant very quickly to my surprise. The feeling was excitement and dreadfulness. I was no doubt traumatized by my first experience with child birth. Remembering that my body did not respond to the local anesthesia while was being repaired for the episiotomy because baby was in distressed brought me chills. I was determined to achieve the most natural birth experience possible now that I had a second chance. After speaking with a friend about her childbirth experiences, I knew that a midwife was going to be the route we took this time. With lots of prayer and support of my husband we contacted a local midwife.

Once I spoke with Janessa I knew this time would be different. She was compassionate and encouraging. Danner and I soon decided on a home waterbirth. Believing in the power of prayers I spent the next 9 months preparing myself by staying fit, attending natural childbirth class, praying and healing myself from the inside out. Not to mention the insane number of Kegel I had to do to avoid having stiches again. Yes, do your Kegel exercises and your body will thank you later.

As my 40th week neared I was ready. I had LOTS of support and confidence in my body. My friends had arranged to have meals brought to our family once the labor signs kick in. We had all the birth kits ready, from crock pot, herbs, to birthing tub in place and all we needed was a baby. I scrubbed every inch of the baseboard, rearranged the kitchen, and bed rooms. I slept, walked, and prayed and repeated the cycle. My 40th week appointment arrived and my body still hadn’t made new progress. My midwife reassured me that a due date isn’t always accurate and I shouldn’t worry. While my contractions went from all over the place to nothing, I tried not to fret as people were curious about how I was doing and showing concerns. Some questions why I was allowed to go pass 40 weeks.

A day before my 41 weeks I felt a gush of fluid and thought surely that was my waters so Janessa conducted the non-stress test. Because we weren’t sure if that was the amniotic fluid she didn’t want to check how far I was dilated fear of infection. She wasn’t concerned since the baby showed no sign of distress. Each day passed I was more than ready to meet our son and praying that day was the day. Still the contractions just weren’t regular. I began to get weary that this baby would never come. I stayed in my room and had a few good cries, went on walks with Danner to keep my mind off the things I couldn’t control. Friends began bringing us meals throughout the week while we waited for labor to progress. Janessa checked in on me several times a day. Then that dreadful 42 weeks appointment approached and there was still no sign of baby. Finally I got the green light on alternating black and blue cohosh. Within the first hour of taking those nasty doses my contractions became more intense and then nothing! I resulted to Caster Oil because I was done being pregnant. I walked miles with Danner and even walked in the misty December rain one evening with our friend Stacy who was going to assist Danner while I’m in labor. I don’t know what I’d do without these two great people who were extremely patience with me through it all. Honestly, I felt the pressure because no one should have to go after being 42 weeks pregnant. I actually felt guilty that my body wouldn’tcooperate. The unproductive contraction continued and my patience wore thin. I knew he would come in his own good time, but when would that be.

The evening after two weeks being past due Danner and I hurried home from our long walk to meet Janessa to conduct another non-stress test. The baby was doing fine and hanging in there comfortably. She knew I was overwhelmed and suggested we "hit the reset button” and just let my body rest without natural induction and stop thinking about having this baby for a little while. It was a great relief for me. I went to bed early that night with dull contractions. At 4:45 am I was woken up with an intense contraction. I knew something was finally happening. I woke Danner up to get ready and to call Janessa and our friend Stacy. I got in the shower and had to concentrate on the breathing as the contractions were getting more painful and closer together. I put on my laboring clothes and both the women arrived after 5:00. We put on some soft music and lit the candles while the tub was being filled, Janessa checked me and I was already 5 centimeter dilated. That was the best news I heard in weeks! Stacy sat with me on the bed and prayed. Janessa massaged my shoulders and applied hot towels on my lower back to give me some relief. The room was warm, dimmed and intimate. I alternated from sitting on the birthing ball to leaning against Danner swaying and focused on breathing and moaning through each contraction, the way that so many women before me had labored. Sometime after 7:00, Janessa suggested sitting on the birth ball again and as I did I felt extremely uncomfortable so I stood up, heard a loud pop and my waters broke. At once I felt the baby’s head fully engaged and yelled the baby was coming. Everyone was so calmed, except for me; I was shaking and couldn’t move. I asked to get in the tub. Danner and Janessa helped me get comfortable and the water felt amazing! Within minutes I asked if I could push and was told whenever I felt ready. Stacy woke up our daughter Allison who had begged to stay up the night before so she could help catch her baby brother. She stood by my shoulder with to Danner who was explaining everything mommy was doing, Stacy continued to pray, and Janessa sat holding a mirror and flash light encouraging me while I took some deep breath and began pushing. After two good push the baby’s head crowned. I checked to see how far I had progressed and I felt hair. It gave me all the courage that the end was near and within seconds I could hold my baby. So one more push his entire body was out. Janessa reached in and pulled the baby to my chest. Right away Isaac Tien Joshua took his first breath and began to cry while he and I locked eyes. Sheer joy filled the room while I took time holding my newborn son as he suckled on my breast. At 7:30 a shofar was blown to announce his birth. Danner cut the cord once it stopped pulsating. We checked out every detail of his perfect body as we waited for my herbal bath to be ready and I delivered the placenta.

Family members were notified of our son’s arrival while I soaked in the herbal bath nursing our baby. I was never rushed to have Isaac assessed until both he and I were ready. From the evaluation, Isaac looked like he was born right on time and was not overdue. A couple of hours after his birth, Danner and Janessa got everything cleaned up while I rested with Isaac and Allison on the bed. Family members came to meet new baby. The transition was so calmed and relaxing all in the comfort of our home. Right away Isaac had his night and day figured out and nursed like a champ. I felt great and bounced back with less than half the time I did with Allison.

Looking back my home birth experience was truly a supernatural birth and full of healing. I felt empowered when I recognized my strength. I felt like a lioness roaring as I ushered my son into the world on my own without being told what to do or how and when to do it. Not only did I experience a quick and very little pain childbirth I got to see how God weaved friends into our lives to lift us up through prayers and support. Our entire family anticipated in the process. Our daughter will never have to wonder when it is her turn to bring her own children into the world. Even the midst of excitement I took time to reminisce the peace that God had instilled in me and knowing that I did everything right for me and my family. I am thankful I was allowed to wait on my son’s perfect timing. Moreover, we received many miracles throughout my pregnancy and two of which were having my delivery and birthing tub paid for through generous gifts.